This BELT is the most suitable for a relaxing back or chest massage. It is used simply by crossing the two BELTs either behind the back or in front on the chest. The massage done while facing the motor head decreases the tensions of your neck, strengthens the shoulders and relaxes the muscles of the back. This exercise is really beneficial if you suffer from back pain, it is just as useful to simply relax after a stressful day. Stimulation of the back muscles improves the mobility of the back. If you use the BELT by turning your back to the motor head, turn in the other direction, you will massage the chest. This massage helps the chest by strengthening the muscles: with regular exercise you will increase the pectoral tone.
You can use the double BELT for lower limb massage: create two BELTs and insert the legs – each in a BELT – checking the tension and intensity of the massage by moving them away and bringing them closer to the appliance. This massage is great for relaxing muscles and improving blood circulation in the legs. You can also use the double BELT to thin the ankles and massage the feet.